LA Forward Trainings

Research Actions and Three Windows Theory

How to Talk with Voters

Conversations are at the heart of every effective grassroots campaign - whether you’re running for President or Neighborhood Council, talking to regular people, on the phone and at their door, is how you win. How can you nail that conversation on the phone? How do you avoid launching into a debate, and instead focus on listening and validating? How do you persuade an undecided voter? All this and more in our Effective Conversations training!

Who’s in Your Voter Universe and How to Reach Them

So you’re running for office or helping to run a campaign - fantastic! Now what? Which voters do you reach out to, and how? In this training, we’ll compare your options for voter outreach: canvassing, texting, phone banking, and relational organizing. Running for Neighborhood Council this year? Apply these skills to your own race. Not running this year? This concept will help you understand how campaigns work and build skills for the 2022 election cycle!

How to Host a Phone Bank

Aside from face-to-face conversations, the most powerful way to move people to take action is through meaningful conversations over the phone. It might seem intimidating but we promise that it can easy and even enjoyable. This training will show you how to actually train volunteers so they have meaningful phone conversations, feel comfortable with your script and calling technology, and enjoy themselves so much they return for the next phone banking event.

How to Keep Volunteers Engaged

Volunteers are at the heart of any progressive political campaign, whether you’re running for your Neighborhood Council or volunteering for a candidate you believe in! Learn how to effectively engage and mobilize volunteers, seek and incorporate their input, and help maintain morale and intrinsic motivation so they keep coming back, and grow into leaders.

Relational Organizing

Neighborhood Councils 101: How Do They Work, and Why Do They Matter

Neighborhood Councils 201: How To Run A Winning Election Campaign

LA 101 Guide Animated Short

LA Civics 101 Podcast Episode

And check out the full LA 101 Guide at

What Are Research Actions & Why They Matter

Phonebanking 101

How to Start a Mutual Aid Group