Discussions & Teach-ins

Designing the Future of LA City: A Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for LA - 1/30/25

OUR LA Charter Reform Ballot Preview + Charter Commission Opportunities - 10/7/24

Housing Justice on the Ballot: Measure A + Props 5 and 33 - 9/23/24

Upcoming LA City Planning Ordinances - 9/17/24

Report Forward Live: Social Housing! - 9/5/24

Affordable Housing Development 101 - 8/26/2024

YES on Measure A! - 8/20/24

Grants Pass Teach-In - 8/12/24

Community Responses to County Charter Reform Proposals - 7/29/24

LA County Charter Reform Proposal for November 2024 - 7/15/24

Social Housing 101 - 7/11/24

Heat & Housing: Spotlight on SGV Casita - 7/9/24

Report Forward Live - LA City Council Expansion & Independent Redistricting

Learning from Vienna’s Social Housing Systems - 6/28/23

Social Housing 101 - 12/13/21

LA City Council’s Power to Fight Climate Change - 12/7/21

Los Angeles City Attorney Teach-In - 9/19/21

In 2022, Los Angeles will elect a new City Attorney — someone who can fight against abusive landlords, employers stealing wages, and companies destroying our environment; work to prevent people from being forced out of their homes and stop the criminalization of homelessness; halt the misprosecution of petty misdemeanors; and negotiate conditions that can reform LAPD’s culture of impunity. Most voters have little idea what is possible through this office. That needs to change.

Los Angeles Public Bank Community Teach-in - 06/06/21

We joined with Public Bank LA, Sunrise Movement LA, & ACT LA to host this teach-in that provided an overview of what a public bank is and how it will allow Los Angeles to save money and set priorities with fiscally, socially and environmentally responsible investments. We have an opportunity to create a real People's Bank that prioritizes us and our planet. A Los Angeles Public Bank will follow sustainability guidelines and help us achieve our public policy goals, including:

  • Permanently affordable housing development

  • Clean energy infrastructure and a Green New Deal for LA

  • Small business development

  • Services for our unbanked and underbanked communities

  • Infrastructure projects including transit, water systems, and schools

Lessons from the Campaign Trail - 12/6/20

Excited to share this a panel discussion with three progressive candidates for office in 2020 who shared what they learned, what they wish they knew when they got started, and how we can build the political power needed to advance our movement for justice! Moderated by David Levitus and featuring Aura Vasquez, Godfrey Plata, and Yasmine-Imani McMorris, Culver City Councilmember.

Effective Local Government Advocacy

As part of our LA Civics 101 series, we hosted a session on the basics of the smallest bodies of government. In the City of LA, those are Neighborhood Councils. We were fortunate to be joined by two NC leaders — Eryn Block, Palms NC President and Lauren Buisson, Echo Park NC CIO — who shared their experiences with this imperfect system and talk about how progressives can work to leverage it for justice. We also had a great conversation with Culver City Councilmember Daniel Lee who shared what his experience getting elected as a staunch progressive to lead a small city and how regular people can be effective in fighting for social justice locally — from big picture strategy to little things like giving effective public comment.

Webinars: Housing Justice & Tenant Protections

Check out a recording of a webinar we did on August 16 about the path to housing justice and stability and another on September 22 about the fight for renters rights and tenant protections featuring Carla De Paz, the director of Community Power Collective, Katie McKeon, an attorney with Public Counsel, and Francisco Dueñas, the director of Housing Now, California’s leading housing justice coalition.